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T-5A3 - Combined Heat and Power


Index Activity
T-5A3-A-1 CHP coal production
T-5A3-A-2 CHP oil production
T-5A3-A-3 CHP natural gas production
T-5A3-A-4 CHP landfill gas production
T-5A3-A-5 CHP hydrogen production
T-5A3-A-6 CHP waste incineration production
T-5A3-A-7 CHP sludge production
T-5A3-A-8 CHP biogas production
T-5A3-A-9 CHP biofuel production

Transition Elements

Index Transition Element IPCC Mitigation Option
T-5A3-TE-1 CHP from coal
T-5A3-TE-2 CHP from oil
T-5A3-TE-3 CHP from natural gas
T-5A3-TE-4 CHP from waste incineration
T-5A3-TE-5 CHP from biomass
T-5A3-TE-6 Increased energy recovery from waste
T-5A3-TE-7 Shift to biofuel in district heating
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