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This data playbook contains a collection of links to data sources, as well as instructions for how to use these data sources, to retrieve desired data for your local authority. As data sources are continuously updated, the links in this document may not always bring you to the latest version of each source. Where applicable, we have provided information about their update frequency and how to find the latest one.

How to navigate

The sheet Activity Inventory contains the list of activities relevant for the city journey for the GCP categories Stationary Energy, Transport and Waste, and the following sheets (Stationary Energy, Transport, Waste and Resources) contain the links to the external data sources and instructions for how to use these data sources to retrieve desired data, for your local authority. Links on the “Activity Inventory” tab bring you to the relevant section of the external data sources.

Uploading to ClimateView

Values for the activities can also be uploaded to the ClimateView platform from the sheet Activity Inventory. In order to upload, expand columns F - K.

For each activity, enter either:

  • the operations into column F in the unit provided or
  • the energy used into column F (where applicable) or
  • the emissions into column G.

For every row you want to upload, write "yes" in column B. If the row should not be uploaded, leave column B blank or write "no".

Please note that currently energy intensities and emission factors cannot be uploaded from this sheet.


  • Het Energiebureau
  • ClimateView

General Notes

CBS Data access with Excel Power queries

Version Information

v.0.1: Initial version
25% This page is in the early stages of development, with foundational work underway.