Average commute length to work (round-trip)
Unit of measure: km_commute
Value | Region | Scaling | Period | Comment | Reference |
30 | Global | CONSTANT | 2019-01-01 | Model description ClimateView -Transportation | https://climateview.slab.com/public/ranizl8z |
17.4 | CA | CONSTANT | 2019-01-01 | Model description ClimateView - Canada - Personal Transportation | https://climateview.slab.com/public/ird2eslu |
30000 | CH | CONSTANT | 2019-01-01 | Durchschnitt Schweiz | https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home/statistiken/mobilitaet-verkehr/personenverkehr/pendlermobilitaet.html |
23.5 | DE | CONSTANT | 2019-01-01 | Durchschnitt Mannheim (25.1) und Kiel (22.2) | https://climateview.slab.com/public/z1katuv7 |
20 | SE | CONSTANT | 2019-01-01 | RVU Sverige 2015-2016 | https://www.trafa.se/kommunikationsvanor/RVU-Sverige/ |