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Growth of heavy truck hydrogen operations

Unit of measure: tonne_km_percapita


Value Region Scaling Period Comment Reference
0 Global CONSTANT 2019-01-01 Initialized to zero.
0 CA CONSTANT 2019-01-01 Initialized to zero.
0 CH CONSTANT 2019-01-01 Daten aus Deutschland.
0 DE CONSTANT 2018-01-01 Annahme: 0.
0 ES CONSTANT 2019-01-01 Initialized to zero.
0 FR CONSTANT 2019-01-01 Valeur basée sur les statistiques nationales
0 GB CONSTANT 2019-01-01 Initialized to zero.
0 SE CONSTANT 2019-01-01 Antas vara 0.
0 US CONSTANT 2019-01-01 Initialized to zero.